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How to remove tile glue from floors?

During the process of tile repair or removal, the question that pops into everyone’s mind is how to get rid of the tile adhesive?

Although, the tiles can be washed with warm water and a mild cleaning agent, sometimes the strong tile glue tends to leave traces behind. Here comes the role of a tile adhesive remover.

There are many methods by which you can remove the stale tile adhesive. It depends on the type of tile and adhesive used for installation.

Here we are going to list 5 proven ways for tile glue removal.

  1. Scraping

It is probably one of the most commonly employed methods of removing tile adhesives from the floors. Use a hand scraper to remove the glue particles off the floor. The metal blade effectively scrapes off even the tiniest adhesive fragments without causing blisters.

  1. Use of chemical remover

Some types of tile adhesives can only be removed using a strong chemical adhesive remover. You can choose an environmentally friendly solvent to get the work done. If this is the first time you are using a chemical remover, then you can do spot testing. Apply the remover to a small area instead of the entire floor and check whether it is working fine or not. Remember the remover must remain on the surface for at least 10 to 15 minutes so that the glue can become soft.

  1. Apply solvent

Apply a specific tile adhesive remover based on the type and material of the tiles. Water and heat are not enough to remove the glue when it comes to vinyl tiles. The solvent works by breaking down the glue molecules, which can be scraped up later. Select a suitable solvent that is made for the adhesive used initially during the installation. After applying the solvent, wait for at least 60 minutes before you start scraping the adhesive from the floors.

  1. Soften the glue with iron

For quick tile glue removal, you can use hot iron. Sometimes even boiling water cannot completely remove the adhesive particles as they tend to stick to the grout lines of the tiles. In such a case, you can remove the glue with a hot iron. Place newspaper over the glue to prevent it from sticking to the iron surface. The hot iron will make the glue softer and then it can be simply removed with a scraper. Repeat the process if required.

  1. Use of specialised tools

To remove hardened glue, you can use several mechanical tools. Use a brush or sponge to brush off the dust from the tiles first. Apply a thin layer of chemical solvent and use the tools such as a grinding wheel or chisel to remove the adhesive from the grout lines.

Some quick tips for tile glue removal:

  • Use a plastic sheet to prevent dust and debris from spreading while removing the tiles
  • Test the chemical solvent over a small area first
  • Use warm water to remove completely dried glue
  • Always wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask while removing the glue

Want to hire professional glue removal or floor leveling specialists in your area?

Singh Floors have the manpower, tools and resources to offer reliable glue removal services all over Melbourne.

Let us help you with your next flooring project.

Give us a call on 0488 880 732.


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